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Our expertise

We are here to lead the way in helping you find the relevant information for lasting success

Areas of expertise

Wealth management icon

Wealth Management

We combine the domain knowhow of global leaders in wealth management and investment products, the expertise of quantitative hedge funds in systematic trading and risk management, and the capabilities of technology disruptors in NLP, AI and scalability.

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Data Management 

Data acquisition, aggregation, pre-treatment and delivery are strategic and are supported by our data platform services to serve our different client applications with their licensed resources through unified APIs. 

Business Rules Management Systems (BRMS) capabilities enable direct business ownership of the decision-modelling lifecycle from authoring to execution.

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Natural Language Processing

Through our proprietary highly sophisticated NLP ontology, we can summarize and normalize structured and unstructured data from various sources and languages to aid wealth managers in efficiently evaluating information and extracting and contextualizing intelligence live. 

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Quantitive Analysis

Our quantitative analysis provides real-time, data-driven insights into global markets and helps to identify short-term and long-term opportunities.

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AI Neural Networks Classifiers

Neural Networks and AI allow for the automatic detection of interests from individual or collective behavior,  personalized content coverage and notification of the publication of relevant research or themed streams.  

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Structured Products

We have a deep understanding of structured products and the opportunity for wealth managers to offer a tailored solution based on client-specific data, such as client risk profiles, portfolio allocations, investment view and preferences.

Move Digital’s offering is designed for the needs of sophisticated target client segments.

Empowering wealth managers with new tools and digital capabilities to help streamline and share insights that are essential to build trust with clients and continuously provide value regardless of the market environment.